To promote research on breast cancer and other women’s health topics, the Sisters Study welcomes proposals for collaborative studies from within NIEHS and the wider scientific community. All proposals will be reviewed by the Sister Study to ensure scientific merit and to protect the integrity of the study and the confidentiality of its participants. Proposed studies may involve the analysis of routinely collected data or entail analysis of biological samples or new data collection from study participants. Projects will benefit from the active collaboration of a Sister Study co-investigator. Prior to submitting a proposal, applicants should establish appropriate collaborations with at least one Sister Study investigator based on the proposed study topic and investigator interests. Sister Study co-investigators involved in the project must be offered co-authorship on any resulting publications, though co-investigators may choose to decline authorship.
To obtain additional information about how to establish collaborations with a NIEHS Sister Study investigator or to propose a collaborative research study, please register on the Sister Study Tracking and Review System (STaRS) where additional, detailed information is provided.