Data Requests
The Sister Study makes data available to both NIEHS and external investigators following an approval process to ensure scientific merit and integrity, and to protect the confidentiality of its participants. Preference will be given to proposals that address questions the Sister Study is uniquely positioned to address. Prior to submitting a proposal, applicants should establish appropriate collaborations with at least one Sister Study investigator based on the proposed study topic and investigator interests.
Sister Study approval must be obtained before grant applications are submitted to support collaborative studies using Sister Study data. Proposal Application Forms involving biological or environmental samples may require additional scientific peer review or be subject to external review coordinated through the Sister Study. Limited datasets and/or statistical code required to validate published papers are available upon request using the Early Study Concept Form.
Data requests can be initiated through the Sister Study Tracking and Review System (STaRS). The STaRS portal provides more detailed information about collaboration requirements, data access policies and procedures, and the process for Early Study Concept and Proposal Application Form submissions. After registration on the STaRS website, researchers can access the Sister Study Data Documentation website, which provides instructions on submitting data requests and additional information on study variables. Once data requests are delivered, please ensure that all Sister Study co-investigators involved in your project are offered co-authorship on any resulting publications, though co-investigators may choose to decline authorship.