I thought 'I'm not there to take her to chemo, but I can do this!
Our supporters
We are glad to have partnered with many nationally known organizations since the study began. The Sister Study received recruitment support from many national and local organizations through their extensive networks. We appreciate their commitment to furthering breast cancer research.
The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) supports the study goals and provides supplemental funding for the Sister Study.
The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) provides additional funding.
"The NIMHD is pleased
to support the Sister Study as a part of our promotion of minority health
and the health of other populations that experience health disparities.
This study is an important step in the NIMHD’s research effort
to understand the interplay of environment and genetics as contributing
factors to health disparities and more specifically to breast cancer among
women of diverse populations.” http://www.nimhd.nih.gov/
American Cancer Society supports the exploration of genetic and environmental
links to breast cancer by spreading awareness of and encouraging participation
in the Sister Study.” http://www.cancer.org/docroot/home/index.asp
is much that is still unknown about how breast cancer develops and spreads.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure supports the Sister Study's long-term goal
of gathering data that might broaden our understanding of breast cancer
development. The Sister Study represents an innovative way for interested
women to get personally involved with important breast cancer research." http://www.komen.org
Intercultural Cancer Council is delighted to join with the Sister Study
in its unique program to understand better the connection of both
the environment and genetics as contributing factors to breast cancer. In particular, the impact
on women of ethnic/racial heritage and/or a disadvantaged background is
important in addressing the prevention and treatment of this dreaded disease. We
applaud the study.” http://iccnetwork.org
The national African American breast cancer survivorship organization Sisters Network, Inc. will promote and actively encourage our Sisters to fully support the Sister Study research initiative. http://www.sistersnetworkinc.org
Y-Me was a peer support organization that provided links to services and affiliated support groups. The organization ceased operation in 2012.